Let Us Save Birds

We all are aware that Birds population is declining very fast, particularly in urban areas. The best & easiest way to save birds in urban cities, in my opinion, is to fix Nest-Boxes in & around our houses.
I have designed nest-box designs for some birds. I feel that we should fix nest-boxes for House-Sparrow on top priority.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Flower Photography

         Flower Photography Tips

           Photographing Flowers is real fun. Flowers give you immense possibilities & opportunities to use your creative ability. But to get best out of them, we need to keep in mind some points. Let's discuss some...

1. Avoid distracting backgrounds -
If necessary put a screen of dull & dark colour, way behind so that it will be out- of-focus.

2. Use shallow depth-of-field, so that everything will not be sharp. Our focus should be on main object. Aperture may be 4 / 5.6 and lens around 100 mms. Wide angle gives everything sharp, cover large area & may produce distortion.

3. Use tripod to avoid shake. The picture may be blurred if camera is handheld.

4. If the background is dark & flowers are light, exposure on Auto will be over for flowers. So, shoot 1/2 or 1 stop under depending on the contrast. Or you can measure exposure for flowers, by spot reading & lock it.

5. The sunlight should not be very hard. Overcast conditions produce soft light, which is best for soft shadows. We can use reflector or flash to fill in shadows.

6. Backlight gives nice effect, translucent petals glitter & border light isolates main object from the background.

7. Composition is important. Don't place main object in the centre. The stems should not be straight vertical.

8. If you go very close to the flowers, use macro mode. Focusing should be very precise.

9. Use ISO as low as possible & picture size (resolution) as large as possible, to get high quality results.

10. For special effect, you can put water drops by dropper at suitable places.

11. Don't place variety of flowers in one frame. It destracts the attention of the viewer from main interest.

12. Photoshop the picture a little. Cropping, a little adjustments like brightness, contrast, colour, etc.
   Enjoy taking  photos of beautiful flowers.  Best luck..

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